范文 > 辞职信


2019-11-17    作者:    来源:

Dear Mr,

  re:resignation from the pos to settlement clerk

  我可能会在 x 月份某个您觉得方便的时候离开公司。从 xxx 年入职以来,我一直都很享受这份工作。转眼快 x 年过去了,我要重新确定我 未来的方向。诚然,论工作环境、团队、压力,甚至个人喜好,我都很满意。但,因为某些 个人的理由,我最终选择了开始新的工作。希望您能早日找到合适的人手接替我的工作。

  I would like to let you know how much i have enjoyed my last three years at the hero company.hero company is an invaluable place for enriching my knowledge about financial field,i enjoyed working with my colleagues and i have learned so much things here.


  Although I’m eager to accept the challenges in this new position, I regret leaving the institute. You and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years. I won’t forget the friendship and professional growth I’ve experienced as an employee here.

  Because i would like to take a new challenge and i want to meet people from all walks of life, i have accepted an offer from an insurance firm as a personal financial consultant. i would therefore appreciate it if you would accept my resignation effective from 8 march, 2010.



  I would be very much obliged if you would kindly give me a reference letter before i leave. thank you for all that you have done to make my work here both interesting and enjoyable.

  Yours sincerely,

  Alexander fung


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