经典语录 > 经典歌词

Mint《Ah You Left Me》歌词

2019-01-17    作者:Mint    来源:网络

歌曲名称:Ah You Left Me
Ah You Left Me - Mint
I took a long long walk in the forest
But it didn't stop the buzzing in my brain
I took a long long swim in the ocean
But it didn't wash away the pain
Ah you left me
Why did you leave
I made a long long drive to the mountains
But it only made me feel more insane
I did a fast downhill on my skateboard
But it never blew away the pain
Ah you left me
Why did you leave
Ah you left me
Why did you leave
Ah you left me
Ah you left me
Why did you leave
Ah you left me
Why did you leave


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