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蔡徐坤 – Wait Wait Wait (Live)歌词

2020-12-11    作者:    来源:网络

励志经典歌词频道收录“蔡徐坤 - Wait Wait Wait (Live)歌词”,歌曲歌词或悠扬,或悲伤,歌曲歌词来源于生活又高于生活,歌手通过歌曲告诉大家生活的道理,希望大家在享受音乐的同时有所收获,下面一起来欣赏下小编整理的蔡徐坤 - Wait Wait Wait (Live)歌词吧。

蔡徐坤 - Wait Wait Wait (Live)歌词

Wait Wait Wait (Live) - 蔡徐坤 (KUN)

Lyrics by:蔡徐坤

Composed by:蔡徐坤

Wait wait wait

All I do is wait wait wait

You're the one I'm waiting for

Weight weight weight

Carrying the weight weight weight

Is better than to let you go

This space our place

This room is never gonna feel the same

Up late too late

To say I shoulda done it differently

I hate that I miss you

I'd stop if I could

All our nights were spent in ecstasy

So I can't forget you

As much as I should

All my days I miss you next to me

Wait wait wait

All I do is wait wait wait

You're the one I'm waiting for

Weight weight weight

Carrying the weight weight weight

Is better than to let you go

Two feet one dance

Distance the devil walked in between

Woke up broke down

Oh how'd you'd ever do that to me

I hate that I miss you

I'd stop if I could

All our nights were spent in ecstasy

So I can't forget you

As much as I should

All my days I miss you next to me

Wait wait wait

All I do is wait wait wait

You're the one I'm waiting for

Weight weight weight

Carrying the weight weight weight

Is better than to let you go

Wait wait wait

All I do is wait wait wait

You're the one I'm waiting for

Weight weight weight

Carrying the weight weight weight

Is better than to let you go

Love this love

Is killin me to carry the weight of us this love

Is killin me to carry the weight of us this love

Is killin me but it's better than to let you go

Love this love

Is killin me to carry the weight of us this love

Is killin me to carry the weight of us this love

Is killin me but it's better than to let you go

Is better than to let you go

Wait wait wait









代表作:童话二分之一、女刑警李春春、I wanna get love




蔡徐坤(KUN),1998年8月2日出生于浙江省,中国内地男歌手、演员。2012年4月,蔡徐坤因参加综艺节目《向上吧!少年》进入全国200强而进入娱乐圈;8月,参演个人首部偶像剧《童话二分之一》。2014年3月,参演个人首部电影《完美假妻168》。2015年7月,蔡徐坤参加真人秀节目《星动亚洲》,并成功进入全国前十五强。2016年10月,蔡徐坤通过10人男子组合SWIN正式出道。2018年1月,参加爱奇艺重点打造的中国首档偶像男团竞演养成类真人秀《偶像练习生》,并于同年4月6日获得最高票数,以NINE PERCENT九人男团C位作为队长出道。




2015年7月10日,蔡徐坤参加录制由安徽卫视主办的青春励志榜样养成类真人秀节目《星动亚洲》,并且成功进入了全国前15强,他还同何屹繁、刘也、赵晋亨等《星动亚洲》15强学员演唱了主题曲《Top Now》。8月,蔡徐坤与《星动亚洲》前15强的其余学员前往韩国进行三个月的封闭训练。9月,回到中国,并与锦荣一同录制安徽卫视的中秋晚会。

2016年10月18日,蔡徐坤与左其铂、朱云龙、刘也、赵品霖等10人共同组成男子组合SWIN,并担任音乐小分队SWIN-S中的高音RAP。11月10日,与所在组合SWIN其余成员作为固定嘉宾参加安徽卫视美食分享类节目《心动的味道》。12月,蔡徐坤所在组合SWIN-S发行首张迷你专辑《New World》,由二段横踢(Double Kick)担纲专辑制作人,收录了包括《Fantasy》和《明日路》等在内的5首歌曲。

2018年1月,参加爱奇艺重点打造的中国首档偶像男团竞演养成类真人秀《偶像练习生》。4月6日,《偶像练习生》总决赛,获得最高票数,以NINE PERCENT九人男团C位出道。


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