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2019-02-15    作者:佚名    来源:网络




Flying House has been ten years old.


I can't believe how many times I have been moved by a cartoon.Pixar animation is always give people the most powerful spiritual shock.Just like the little lamp at the beginning of a movie it seems unremarkable and stands indifferent from worldly conflicts but it can lighten the softest part of people's heart at a crucial moment.Blend in the nature of human character is pixar's strengths so it can make people in for the animation effects of clapping applause at the same time feel the sincere warmth and human nature.Also because of this pixar animation age span is very big in the "UP" to meet the children's small adventurer is grandpa Carl and Russell and evil explorer's struggle and Carl and Ellie's ordinary yet touching love is the fairy tale pixar presents for adults .


The movie is also called the "Miracle Beyond Heaven" many people put the theme of the movie in the "dream" indeed the article by a hero childhood dream but also can create miracles courage and love.


The main characters in this story is Carla hydrogen ballon seller.There are sth funny in the beginningCarl’s family is deep but Ellie’s hospitable.It resumably represents their compeletely different personalities under diverse growth environmentsone passoinatethe other calmin contrast to the fact that Ellie died ealrier than Carl.I can’t say which identity is better or worseit is just that a warm people will form a greater contrast when they come across hardships.


The story changes with the change of tiesone tie to anotherand the time transfer from maturity to senium.Probably it wants to tell us that the truly love is hidden in the details of lifethe longest pledge is companythere’s a kind of love named that your later ties tied all by me the rest of our life. When climbing the slopethe film appeared two situationsthe person walks faster turned to be the slowerbut it doesn’t matter.What’s the most important is with you.



Cross the line for you for you I am willing to give up decades of life like a day to try to complete our dream.Despite pixar's unique animation skills the adventures at the edge of that waterfall weren't really my concern. I just wanted to know how did it turn out?Did Carl fulfill their dream?Is he really going to spend the rest of his life by the waterfall?

当飞屋被烧,卡尔拿着冒险手册坐在椅子上为没有完成爱丽的梦想而深深自责时,偶然翻到的却出乎了所有人的意料。Ellie在我的冒险手册里写的“我长大要做的事”,其实不是要去冒险环游世界,而是和Carl 在一起的点点滴滴,当电影开始重现生活的每个瞬间,徘徊在我心中的,是说不出的滋味。冒险本上最后一张照片是爱丽的,柔和的阳光映照着她的侧脸,我不禁想,究竟是什么样的力量,能够让那个小时候梦想着环游世界的大大咧咧的“假小子”成为现在这个神色安详,幸福平和的老人呢?大概这就是爱吧。也正是因为这份爱,才让她在最后一页上写的是“谢谢你陪我走过这一段,去展开下一段属于你的冒险吧。”这也是卡尔下定决心去帮助罗素的原因,有时候,我们觉得愧疚,因为没有完成共同目标,而事实可能是,每个人都只能陪伴你生命中的一段时光,一旦火车到了一个站点,就会有新的人上来,旧的人下去,生命才得以生生不息,有时候要做的,只是享受过程。

When the house was burned Carl sat down in his chair blaming himself for not fulfilling ally's dream.What Ellie wrote in my adventure handbook "what I want to do when I grow up" is not to travel around the world by adventure but to spend every bit of time with Carl. When the movie starts to reproduce every moment of life what lingers in my heart is an indescribable taste.The last picture in the adventure book was the soft sunlight shining on her side of the face and I couldn't help wondering what kind of power could make the careless girl who dreamed of traveling around the world as a child become the joyful and peaceful old woman she is now.Perhaps it was love and it was love that led her to write on the last page "thank you for walking me through this to the next adventure that belongs to you."That's why Carl is determined to help Russell sometimes we feel guilty because there is no complete the common goal and the truth is that everyone can only accompany you life for a period of time once the train come to a site there will be a new person old people life was sometimes want to do just enjoy the process.


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