范文 > 介绍信


2021-06-13    作者:    来源:



英文介绍信 篇1







英文介绍信 篇2

To Whom It May Concern:

  I have had the distinct pleasure of having Kaya Stone as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at Eastern Little Hope High School.

  Kaya has been more than the ideal student. In order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose.

  The academics at Eastern Little Hope are most challenging, and Kaya fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses.

  Kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater. She has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments. Success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills. Kaya also holds the degree of Special Distinction, as a member of the National Forensic League.

  Due to its nature of metro, state, and national interscholastic competition, the successful high school forensics student serves by not only representing his or her school but also by representing his or her community as well.

  One of the requirements in my advanced class is to prepare lectures and guidance for the beginners. With Kaya’ s superior knowledge and involvement in the political sciences, she developed a strong sense of confidence with a charming attitude. Therefore, I could always depend on her to set the best example as an instructor.

  Because of her natural leadership abilities, Kaya was selected as our Debate Captain. On account of her mature approach to her responsibilities, I often thought of Kaya as a colleague.

  Since her classmates, my fellow teachers, and I will always hold her in the highest esteem, I sincerely recommend Kaya Stone as the ideal candidate for matriculation at Eastern Little Hope State.

  Respectfully submitted,

  Dan Peel, Ph.D.

英文介绍信 篇3


  dearmr. smith,

  itake great pleasure to introduce one of my students, kate lawrence to you. sheis going to pursue her further education as a postgraduate in september thisyear. now, i recommend her to do an internship in your company. in the lastfour years, she studied hard and got excellent grads in exams. besides, as themain membership of student union, she develops strongly comprehensive abilityto deal with various situations calmly. in addition, she has a very pleasantand favorable personality that helps her building good relationships withother. i strongly recommend this promising young lady without any reservation. willyou please consider my recommendation and offer her a position in your company? your favorable consideration andassistance to her would be appreciated.

  sincerely yours,

  david brown

英文介绍信 篇4

Dear Mary,

  My colleague Jenny will go to the Department of Language and Linguistics to work as a visiting scholar for three months at your renowned university.I have always expected the two of you to meet, and this seems to be a perfect opportunity.

  I have given your phone numbers to her and she may call you if she needs your help.I think she will have no trouble with her registration and accommodation.Perhaps you can show her around the campus or even the city when you have time.

  I am sure that you will find an outgoing and intelligent girl in her just as you.You will become good friends in no time. Your kindness will always be appreciated and remembered.

  Sincerely yours,


英文介绍信 篇5

Dear ,

  I take great pleasure in introducing1 one of my classmates and best friends to you. She is going to pursue her education as a postgraduate in your university after her graduation here. She and I had lived and studied together for four years. No friend deserves so much love and respect as she does. Now that we have finished our study here we had to part with each other.

  Will you please give her some guidance in regard to the entrance examination? Any information you can provide, as well as your introduction for him to meet the future tutor shall be appreciated very much.

  Yours truly,


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