

2021-10-27    作者:佚名    来源:网络

【#英语资源# 导语】点亮一盏南瓜灯,为你照亮吉祥路,奉送一枚甜糖果,为你带来甜如蜜,披上一件幽灵衣,四处为你揽幸福,万圣节到了,愿你开心快乐,幸福如意!以下是©[无#忧考#网]为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  If you are frightened by the gloomy cemetery, if the pumpkin lights flicker in front of each window, and the streets are full of demons and ghosts, don't be afraid, these are fun things, whether it's sharing candy or making trouble. Let's turn on the lights and listen to the story of Halloween!

  Long, long ago, human history was very short, and the days in winter were also very short. The Celtic farmers believed that one day every year was the transition of the season of life and death. On this day, ghosts would come out of the tomb and wander among the living. In Erlang, BC, this day was called "Samhain", which is also the Celtic "end of summer" Celts usually light campfires and dress up to drive away and confuse ghosts.

  In the 8th century, in order to stop the pagan custom of the Celts, Pope aregoory III ordered "all gallow" sday "on November 1 every year to show respect for all gods. Europeans accepted the new festival and were happy to enjoy the traditional items of the festival. Soon, the term" Samhain "was called" all holy night " Instead, it is known as "Halloween". In the mid-19th century, a cargo ship carrying potatoes sent millions of Irish people to American port cities in order to avoid famine. American tradition also began to change, lighting campfires instead of making South melon lanterns. It is said that the poor were calling for "soul cakes" in return, They promised to pray for their dead family.

  After watching the short film, I can't help thinking: Halloween is fun, thrilling and scary! After learning some knowledge about Halloween, we play some games about Halloween. First, play the game of asking for candy. Everyone knocks on the teacher's door first, and then says the threat of "trick or reat". When the teacher says "please come in", you can come in and get the candy. But if you're wrong, you'll be locked up in the house. The game began and everyone got candy. It was my turn. I was nervous and said the wrong word, but the teacher spared my life and didn't lock me up. I also gave me my candy. I'm alone! Another game is to bite an apple. During the game, people let the apple float in a basin full of water or hang it on a rope, and then let the child bite the apple without hands. Whoever bites first is the winner, and the apple belongs to who. Everyone was playing the same game and tried every means to bite the apple. I took a bite, too, but the time has come.

  This Halloween not only learned a lot, but also played enough. Finally, I took photos wearing strange and strange masks! This is not only a happy Halloween, but also a happy weekend!


  Halloween is coming! I don't know how everyone will live this year? I don't know if you like listening to some stories about vampires, werewolves, witches and other western countries on Halloween!

  Now, I have to make up some stories myself, but I'm not sure if I will be loved by everyone! The beginning of the story is like the "long, long, long ago..." used in every story all the time, but I decided to start with a weird one. Listen carefully! "At 12 o'clock in the night, there will be an old witch with wrinkles on her face", she will become the key of the story. Once a young man fell in love with a beautiful princess, but because his family was poor, he knew he couldn't fall in love with the princess, but he always couldn't help looking at the princess's window from time to time, and this gradually began to become his habit. Over time, he began to have an evil greed, "he began to want to get close to the princess!", And this greed made him fall into a terrible trap

  Halloween on October 30 is the time when ghosts are ready to move! The unwitting princess was dressing up for Halloween. Suddenly, she seemed to see herself in the mirror looking old, wrinkled skin, bloated face and gray hair. In addition to the girl who was too frightened to make any sound, there was a boy climbing out of the window: my God! Is this the person I want? Surprised, he couldn't help sitting on the ground and touching! The sound caused the princess's fear and looked out once. Unexpectedly, such a look made her fall into the devil's palm! Boy: hum! It's just an illusion! Princess! Princess, you are so beautiful and your identity is so desirable and jealous. It will inevitably make people itch! Come with me, the carriage is waiting for us! Poor princess, evil boy, all this was seen by a watcher; The boy dragged the princess to the top of the clock tower to announce their marriage to the whole town; What should I do? One from? The jazz of the d world appeared; Who is it? In fact, just remind everyone that "vampire" is called Eric; The one who came to stop it immediately robbed the princess! Without giving the boy a chance, the boy's hand was hurt! As for her already unconscious, Eric gave her a curse that will not be changed for thousands of generations: beloved Princess! May you wake up as soon as possible, but don't be afraid when you wake up, because your appearance is about to become... The only person you see tonight is your beautiful appearance on Halloween! So that I can enjoy it alone, please forgive my selfishness! Leave a rose with thorns but big petals and a note: ~ I love you~

  In the morning, the spell came true! To become an old princess has long been awake, with a flashing sentence in her eyes that will come soon! When the boy woke up, he was frightened by the princess and even thought his hand was interrupted by the princess. He immediately ran away!


  On Sunday afternoon, Zhou Rouyan's mother organized a Halloween party in Fengdan_ In the box on the third floor of Bailu cafe, let's have a Halloween Carnival!

  Of course, the essential Street killers for Halloween: ghosts, Medua and demons are all among them. I am also one of them - the lovely and cool little pirate, wearing a pirate scarf and holding a steel hook, has indeed become a one eyed pirate. Sun Kai's ghost mode is even better. With evil glasses and silver hands, he looks like a ghost policeman catching a cunning thief. His eyes are so big that they seem to scare us. He is really a cool ghost.

  At the beginning, the overweight Pirate Queen, Wang Chuwan, came out and told us two jokes, "son of an alcoholic" and "naughty child". Its tone and mood are enough to make us laugh. Suddenly, a fat mask man stood on the chair. After he sang a Korean song, he took off the pink mask, and we found it was Jiang Chengxin. Although we can't understand the main idea of the lyrics, we seem to see the passion and blood he wants to express in his heart. The little warm-up is over, and the real play is on!

  We turned off all the lights and computers and filled the box with evil darkness, like the appearance of real ghost Warcraft. It was terrible. Because the box was very dark, Sun Kai's glasses sent out a green light, which made his big eyes more terrible. Many people hid in the bathroom without making a sound, so that sun police couldn't find them. Of course, there are informers. At this time, sun police rushed to the bathroom to catch us out, and we became pawns.

  In this way, we played together from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. without stopping. It was great. Mom and dad came to take us. We reluctantly walked out of the cafe and took the bus home. Although I am on my way home, my heart is still in the paradise of games, in those four hours of happy time.


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