经典语录 > 书籍名句


2019-02-12    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、当羔羊安静下来,你是否听到心灵最暗处的呐喊和低语? ----托马斯哈里斯

  2、Unconstructed dream space.荒芜的梦境。 ----克里斯托弗诺兰

  3、Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

To live as a monster or to die as a good man.

  5、To make each day count.

  6、Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something not even me.

  7、我想和你玩个游戏 ----竖锯

  8、I'm the king of the world
我是世界之王 ----rose

  9、你不想为你的信仰冒一下险吗?难道想等你老了,再后悔莫及吗? Don't you want to take a leap of faith? Or become an old man filled with regret ?

  10、留下一笔财富 活了值得纪念的一生

  11、I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way.

路易:但地狱是存在的,无论我们去哪,都在地狱中。 ----安妮赖斯

  13、You don't know how long I've waited for you I'd rather die than stay away from you.

  14、Drive or die.

  15、就在那一刻,我明白了,我得作出选择。我可以为自己寻找各种借口对生活低头,也可以迫使自己更好地生活。I knew at that moment I had to make a choice. I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses... or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my life good.

  16、Don't close your eyes rise again after you fall you need to get out.

  17、I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying.

  18、I can not even picture him at all. He only live in my memory.

  19、All life is a game of luck. 生活本来就全靠运气。


  21、I'll never let goI'll never let goJack.

  22、Outwardly I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside I was screaming. 表面上,我是一个生活幸福的上流女子,心底里,我在尖叫。

  23、You know some birds are not meant to be caged their feathers are just too bright.

  24、My heart will go on(我心永恒)

  25、People can't do something by themselvesthey wanna tell you you can not do it.

  26、No matter where you are whether it's quarter mile away or half way across the world the most important thing will always be people in this room right here right now you'll always be with me you will always be my brother无论你身处何方,无论是四分之一英里的赛道,还是绕了大半个地球的距离。我生命中最重要的东西就是这屋檐下的人,就在此时,就在此地。你永远在我身边,你永远是我的兄弟! ----范迪塞尔

  27、you make choice and you dont look back.
人一旦做了决定就不要回头 ----成康

  28、you are waiting for a traina train that will take you far awayyou know where you hope it take youbut you don't know for surebut dosen't matterbecause we'll be together. 你在等一班火车,火车会带你去很远的地方,你不知道火车会带你去哪里,但你并不确定,不过不重要,因为我们永远在一起。

  29、Alone is what I have.Alone protects me.
Nofriends protects people.
不对,保护我们的是朋友。 华生

  30、“you are not scary at all but you are fearless” (你一点也不可怕,但是你无所畏惧)。


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