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2019-02-22    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、中国有句老话,明天会更好,让我们希望如此吧。 ----《荒野求生》

  2、恐惧和勇气往往是一体的两面,没有第一时间产生的恐惧,就永远没有办法真正地鼓起勇气。 ----《荒野求生》

  3、But in this book I wanted to show my roots: the early bigger missions that shaped me and the even earlier smaller moments that steered me. ----《Mud, Sweat and Tears》

  4、When written in chinese the word "crisis" is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity. ----《Mud, Sweat and Tears》

  5、Many people find it hard to understand what it is about a mountain that draws men and women to risk their lives on her freezing ice facesall for a chance at that single solitary moment on the top. It can be hard to explain. But I also relate to the quote that says: if you have to ask you will never understand. ----《Mud, Sweat and Tears》

  6、Both faith and fear may sail into your harbour but allow only faith to drop anchor. ----《Mud, Sweat and Tears》

  7、Ever close.
Ever further away. ----《Mud, Sweat and Tears》

  8、我不断探索着自己的极限,只有在极限边缘我才感觉自己真实地活着。我从来不是最快的最强壮的人,也没有什么是最擅长的,但只有这样才能激发我的热情。 ----《荒野求生》

  9、不要看事情变的有多坏,而是要看还有多少变好的空间,就算在逆境中要尽量看光明的一方面。 ----《极限重生》

  10、不管知不知道所谓的求生技巧,也不管在这方面究竟了解多少,知识的重要性永远都排在意志力之后。 ----《荒野求生》

  11、作为人类的我们其实远非血肉之躯那么柔弱。 ----《极限重生》


  13、嘎嘣脆 鸡肉味 ----《荒野求生》

  14、Most people nerver do anything difficult cause we like to stay on at comfort zone,you know O i don't do that i don't do that. But we grow when we do the things we scared of.

  15、没有赌注,就没有收获。 ----《本能》

  16、(Everest) It had become what so many dreams becomejust that nothing more nothing less. Covered in dust never a reality. ----《Mud, Sweat and Tears》

  17、Everest never has been and never will be conquered. This is part of what makes the mountain so special. ----《Mud, Sweat and Tears》

  18、I experienced a stillness that I did not think existed. ----《Mud, Sweat and Tears》


  20、What I didn't realize was that it would be a mountain the mountain that would be at the heart of my recovery. ----《Mud, Sweat and Tears》

  21、智慧固然令人羡慕,但真正能够激励人心令人为之振奋的却是我们胸中那股豪气干云,义无反顾的冲动。 ----《荒野求生》


  23、So much of my identity was in the physical. ----《Mud, Sweat and Tears》


  25、有时候,负面情绪会突然排山倒海地汹涌而至,似乎要把你湮没,千万不要试图阻挡这些情绪,这样反而会让你备受煎熬。正确的做法是,坦然接受这些情绪所携带的能量,利用它来强化求生的决心 ----《荒野求生》

  26、若我们从来不行动,梦想仅仅只是愿望而已。人生唯有点亮自己才能闪光。 ----《荒野求生》

  27、我并非一直都是很成功的人,也没有什么天赋,但我无论做什么都抱有极大的热情这点很重要。 ----《荒野求生2》

  28、It is about understanding that the moment to shine brightest is when all about you is dark. ----《Mud, Sweat and Tears》

  29、去掉头其余的部分都能吃 ----《荒野求生》

  30、梦想并不值钱,你得采取必要的行动,才能使梦想成为现实。 ----《荒野求生》


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