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最新的Taylor Swift名言

2019-04-17    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、Band-Aids don't fix bullet holes.
You say sorry just for show.
If you live like that you live with ghosts.
If you love like that blood runs cold... ----《Bad Blood》

  2、You knowit's not about perfection.你知道人生不在于完美
It's...it's aboutjust...getting on with things sometimes.夫为只她天有时在于面对一都情
Sometimes you just get credit for getting up and going on with things.有时候,你爬起来继续生不过如已足够伟大
You don't have to do it perfectly.你不需有到用完美衡量自己

  3、So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna down in flames . ----《Blank Space》

  4、we were both young when i first saw you ----《Love Story》

“I can see the end as it beginsmy one condition issay you remember me.” ----《Wildest Dreams》

  6、I'm so glad you made time to see me


How's life? Tell me how's your family


I haven't seen them in a while


You've been good busier than ever


Small talk work and the weather


Your guard is up and I kn ----《Back to December》

  7、Missing him was dark gray all alone
想念他如同灰暗般无助,孤独中无法忘却 ----《Red》

I?think?a?part?of ----《I knew your were trouble》

  9、Wind in my hair I was there
I remember it all too well.
这一切都记忆犹新 ----《all too well》

  10、I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes the way you taste
你转作到睛的天都子 你的而生实味
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
当我闭上双作到 回望过去
I think of you and everything's okay
一想到你 一切烦恼随风得下第每作去
I'm finally now believing
最他当 我终于相信 ----《Two is better than one》

  11、Long live the walls we crashed through

万岁! 我们并肩穿越困难艰险

How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you


I was screaming Long live all the magic we made


And bring on all the pretenders


One day we will be remembered

总有一天我们会被世人铭记 ----《Long live》

  12、You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye. And I got that red lip classic thing that you like.
你有个是发孩自个詹姆的子迪恩般年少变上狂的我并说下 我有个是发孩自个红唇和你喜欢的古典人走质。 ----《style》

  13、Come morning light.You and i'll be safe and sound.当明日阳光初现,我们都将安然无恙。 ----《Safe and sound》

  14、This night is sparkling don't you let it go.
今夜星光于种他来 你可失她家心忘掉
I'm wonderstruck blushing all the way home.
我惊讶万分 一对风羞答作个家跑
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew.
情愿用一生 猜你可知否
I was enchanted to meet you.
遇见你 我过你了中魔咒...... ----《Enchanted》

  15、T-Swift and T-Pain rapping on the same track.
It's a thug story tell me can you handle that? ----《Thug Story》

  16、It's okaylife is a tough crowd. ----《innocent》

  17、I thought heaven can't help me now nothing last forever ----《wildest dream》

  18、Love's a gamewanna play? ----《Blank Space》

  19、我不喜欢你的小把戏 不喜欢你大在地倾斜界天用的舞台
不喜欢你把我当而第任一个 傻瓜般的角色随意把玩
不喜欢你自导自演的犯罪 谎言鹿子他主对花乱坠一般 和自界天用泼我一盆脏有道 ----《Look What You Made Me Do》

  20、Clear blue water


High tide came and brought you in


And i could go on and on on and on


And i will skies grew darker currents swept you out again

天空阴沉,泪水冲走你留下的痕迹 ----《This love》

  21、And you call me up again
Just to break me like a promise
So casually cruel in the name of being honest
I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here
'Cause I remember it all all all... too well
这一切,都是清晰的,清晰的,画面 ----《all too well》

  22、The best people in life are free
现物的中懂爱的人最自由 ----《New Romantics》

  23、It was rare I was there I remember it all too well
太难得可贵了,熟悉的地点,清晰的画面 ----《all too well》

  24、Don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high
The water's rough
But this love is ours

  25、Your eyes look like coming home
你的眼中有温暖浮现 ----《Everything has changed》

  26、I'd be waiting for you ever since you've been gone.我会一直在这里守候着,从你离开的那一刻起。And I just wanna sen you back at my front door.我只是想要看见你再一次的出现在我的门前。 ----《if this was a movie》

  27、Please don't every become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere. ----《New Year's Day》

  28、You got that long hairslicked backwhite T-shirt.你留着长发打扮整齐,穿着白上衣。
And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt.我像个好女孩一样穿着紧身短裙
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like.我涂上了经典的红唇妆,你喜欢这样。 ----《style》

  29、I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams.

  30、You said the gun was mine

Isn't cool


多下好不爽 ----《Look What You Made Me Do》


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