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2019-04-27    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、I lost control today. 今天我失控了

  2、Trust is the key to any relationship. 两个人交往信任是最重要的

  3、I’ll help you whatever it takes.无论如何我都会帮你

  4、He has that romance novel stare.


  6、Always have a back-up. 凡事都要有个备用的.

  7、That is in the end we're left infintely and utterly alone.最终,我们会剩下无穷无际的孤独!

  8、True love is not real unless it’s returned.

  9、‘为什么不让别人看到你善良的一面’‘因为如果他们看见了 就会期望我一直是善良的。’

  10、he was never minebut losing him broke my heart

  11、You have two optionsStefan.你有两个选择,斯特凡
You either deal with this now or you're run.你要么现在面对它,要么就逃跑
And either way it's gonna catch up to you.但不管选哪一种,它都会找上你 ----吸血鬼日记

  12、For over a centuryI have lived in secretHiding in the shadowsAlone in the worldUntil nowI know the riskBut i had no choiceI have to know her.过去的一个多世纪,我都秘密地活着,藏身暗处,独自一人。直到现在,我知道这很冒险,但我别无选择,我必须去认识她。

  13、She took my breath away. 她把我的灵魂都吸走了。

  14、You know what‘s waiting for youAn eternity of tormentagonyand grief.And you feel it all.你知道等待你的是什么,永恒的折磨,苦恼和悲痛。你全部要感受。 ----达蒙

  15、See a woman never forgets her first love no matter how badly it ended.

  16、You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it. - 你不能无所事事的坐等人生带给你一切,你必须得自己努力争取。

  17、Everything I've kept buried inside came rushing to the surface.

Memories are too important.

  19、It took me a thousand years and hundreds of betrayals to realize the lovecaring ruins you.--我用了上千年的时间,被背叛了无数次才明白,爱和在乎,只会毁了你。


  21、Life is too cruel. If we cease to believe in love why would we want to live? 生活太残酷了如果我们不相信爱.还能为什么而活呢?


  23、Life sucks when you are ordinary.


  24、I'm an idiot for ever trusting you

  25、If you are willing I will always love you. Would you like I will never miss.

  26、我遇见一个女孩,我们聊天,就像诗一样美丽,但是太阳升起真实的一天又要开始。 ----闯

  27、I love you and it's because I love you that I can't be selfish with you why you don't know this I don't deserve you…but my brother does. God I wish you didn't have to forget this. But you do.我爱你,因为我爱你所以我不能对你自私,为什么你不知道这些,我配不上你…但是我的弟弟能.上帝,我希望你不要忘记。但是你必须忘记。


  29、you are the best thing in my life.

  30、Kill a demon todayface the devil tomorrow.


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