
小学英语作文:参观教堂 Visit the Church

2019-03-11    作者:佚名    来源:网络


小学英语作文:参观教堂_Visit_the_Church 图1

  【篇一】参观教堂 Visit the Church

My grandma believes in Jesus so she goes church every week. As I grow up my grandma takes me to the church with her. The building is so special and a large statue in front of the house. The big cross is the obvious symbol. So many people gether in the church they pray together. I feel the peace here.

小学英语作文:参观教堂_Visit_the_Church 图2

  【篇二】母鸡下蛋 The Hen Has Eggs

My grandma raises a hen and she sometimes brings the fresh eggs to us. The eggs taste different from the one sold in the market they taste delicious. So I decide to have a look at how the hen has the eggs. Every morning I will go to the hen and I will see the eggs under her body it makes me feel like the magic.

小学英语作文:参观教堂_Visit_the_Church 图3

  【篇三】我最喜爱的音乐 My Favorite Music

Before I go to sleep I like to listen to soft music it can help me relax and have a good dream. My mother tells me that before I was born she listens the soft music all the time so I must be affected by her. Soft music is my favorite music it is classic and helps me to feel better when I am not in the mood.


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